Our People.
Association Contacts
Board Members
Joe Bitson, President, (916) 759-6332, joebWBR@gmail.com
Andy Klonecke, Vice President, (916) 223-0220,klonecke@hotmail.com
Jeff Wedge, Treasurer, (916) 899-9942, jeffwedge@gmail.com
John Steitz, Member at Large, (916) 960-7999, jsteitz@comcast.net
Tamara Barker, Secretary, (305)299-4622, tcohen14@gmail.com
The Management Trust, Kocal Division
(916) 985-3633 P.O. Box 1459, Folsom, CA 95763-1459
Executive Community Association Manager
Caleb Anaya caleb.anaya@managementtrust.com (916) 985-3633 x5153 ​
Safety & Security
Sacramento County Sheriff (916) 874-5115 (911 for emergency)
Placer County Sheriff (530) 886-5375 (911 for emergency)
Volunteer Committees Chairpersons/Other Key Contacts
Architectural Committee
Reviews/approves plans for new construction, exterior remodels or major repairs, new roofing, exterior painting & major landscape changes. Approval must be given for any structure built with building materials (ie concrete, wood, roofing, stucco, fences etc.). If you are not sure anyways call because all projects must be approved by the Association before they are started.
Bob Milano, (916) 240-7223, Bob@BobMilano.com
Karen Bickford, (916) 367-9188, Karen.Bickford@comcast.net
Andy Klonecke, (916) 223-0220,klonecke@hotmail.com
CLICK HERE for the Architectural committee approval form
Neighborhood Watch
Activities Committee
Tarrah Cook, (916) 240-7223 tarrah.cook@gmail.com
Youth Fundraiser Solicitation Pass Request
Youths wanting to solicit within WoodBridge Ranch must complete the Resident Youth Solicitation Pass Request Form and submit this by following the instructions provided below.
CLICK HERE for the Resident Youth Solicitation Pass Request Form
Lake Park Reservations
Act as reservations point of contact for Lake Park, post reservation signs, coordinate check-out/in of sports equipment, coordinate deposit and insurance coverage with Kocal.
Click Here for Lake Park Reservation Procedure 2023
Nikki James (916) 505-9310 , nikkijames918@gmail.com
Deborah St.Clair (backup) (916) 213-4488 dstclair25@yahoo.com
Security Email Alerts (Security issues, lost and found, WBR Communications)
Art Hawkins, 916-300-2924, aohawk@gmail.com
Website Management
Implement and maintain www.woodbridgeranchhoa.com web site
Tamara Barker, tcohen14@gmail.com